It has been a very busy past 4 weeks. Wow! On Valentine's evening, I accepted an offer for a consulting job. I've been working there ever since and have now been offered the perm position. It's in HR, I am very excited and feel this is the right move for me (professionally). I've been slammed, have a lot to learn but believe I'm heading down the right path right now.
So where does that leave my little man? Top Gun is going to a local daycare (just down the street from my work) and after a couple of weeks where he broke my heart every day, things are much better. This morning he left me without any prodding and walked over to join a classmate playing on a little horse that jumps up/down. awesome....
Baby girl and HER baby girl are doing great. She is working, going to school and sleeping...a lot. I hope this is a sign to come that little baby girl will sleep a lot at night. :)
My groom is working very hard for the state and as hard for the Guard in the JAG Corps. He's also training for his annual physical like I've never seen him train before. He looks awesome!
Other than that, I'm helping plan Haley's baby shower and Ira's 2nd birthday party. Our thinking was that we would take Ira to Sea World at San Diego, SD Zoo and Legoland for his birthday. However, with my new job, we may have to put that off to the end of the summer when I have leave. Awww - the joy of starting fresh with a company including NO leave....:(
Hope your Spring is starting off with a bang and not horrible weather like we have. Stay safe and dry everyone!!