She looked beautiful - like a Barbie doll! Haley has such a keen sense of picking out gowns and hairstyles that will look fantastic on her plus compliment each other. She knows what she is looking for and doesn't settle until she finds it. Job well done, this year! After going to every gown store in a 50 mile radius, we resorted to looking online and ended up talking to the designer on the phone to make sure her size would work without too much tailoring and that it would arrive in time.
She picked Peyton Place Salon for her hair as their reputation for special events styling is becoming well known. They also did her makeup. I think she could have done her makeup almost as well but with all of her BRAND NEW MAKEUP from Sephora being stolen a few weeks ago, we went with this option.
She picked an upper arm bracelet corsage (a little Eyptian style) prepared by one of the girls at Tipton Hurst. They did a beautiful job. They had a photo of her dress so they did well by not overloading it with "bling" to take away from the dress.
The only downside of the night was that her and her boyfriend both were suffering from either a really bad cold or allergies. Hard to tell in the photos but she was really not feeling well at all. Thank goodness for Allegra to get her through the night, but they both skipped the post prom and came home to watch "The Nightmare Before Christmas". My little girl......
I LOVED that she wanted us at the Capitol for family photos. I LOVE the photos she took with Ira even though he was so sleepy he could barely keep his eyes open. He loves her so much - she walks in the room and you can see his eyes and smile just light up! I'm afraid all girls for him will be compared to her in his mind........:)
Loved being joined the entire day by Hana Dugger who helped Haley in every step of this "getting ready" process including toting around bags, cameras and video cameras with me. True Friend!!!!!
I also loved having family and friends who love Haley at the Grand March (video attached). Grandma Betty, Nanna Phyllis, Maddie, Claire and Dennis and Mark. Jeremy and I appreciated them being there in the craziness of the crowd to support her in her big moment.
But mostly, I thank God for bringing her home safely last night. When she woke me up to say they were home, my heart did a little jump-for-joy as I knew God had watched over them from the crazy drunk drivers that fill the streets on every Prom night.
Now, we will spend the weekend getting her feeling better and getting geared up for 6am Monday at Children's Hospital with Ira. Mixed emotions about his surgery but my prayers keep leading me to this being the right decision and he will feel so much better afterward. Still so hard.
I continue to praise His name for all our blessings - every day.
Haley was, indeed, absolutely gorgeous for her Senior Prom! And, in spite of the glamour and glitz, she is so unpretentious. She was kicking off those high heels in full stride as she left the stage after her presentation. When we found her, she was standing there barefoot, in her very beautiful, very elegant gown, toes on the sidewalk and a big Haley, dimpled smile on her face. Love that girl! I hope Ira does measure every girl her meets using Haley as the yardstick! Thank you, Lasiters, for opening your family up to us. We are blessed! Love ya!