Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Year of Reflection

Today is our wedding anniversary - 9 years! Great accomplishment. We have done a lot in 9 years, made many new friends, lost loved ones, gained new family members and continued to be a strong family unit. This year has been a rollercoaster - well, that's an understatement. Almost a year ago, Ira was born. I was blessed with being able to spend 3 months at home with him (above photo - which I love!) and bond in such a wonderful way. I think back to the first two weeks we had him when we were in Texas. We couldn't wait to get home - bring our baby home - but now when we talk about it we realize what a blessing it was to have those two weeks. We got to know each other in a very intimate way without a lot of distractions.

We came home to a beautifully cleaned home (thanks to Phyllis, Grandma and Jessica), balloons, flowers and a flow of home cooked food for several days. More importantly, Ira entered Arkansas to an outpouring of love for him. He was embraced from the first moment. I want him to forever know that his FOREVER FAMILY loved him from first sight. If he had come out of my womb, instead of my heart, he couldn't have been loved any more. And it is still the same way today.

Our same loved ones hosted a beautiful Sip-n-See with over 100 guests to meet Ira and bring him gifts. It was the most amazing day~I know I had a glazed over look on my face the entire time, but the beauty of reflection is that you can take the time to really think about how special that time was.

Haley soon started her senior year......with a bang! (or a fall!) One broken leg and months of a boot with physical therapy, she was able to hobble to the Homecoming Dance. :) The only bright side of that was she was at home a lot those first few weeks after her accident and we got to spend some much needed time together. I'll never forget that.

Haley's 18th birthday party at KanPai, Thanksgiving, Christmas (I think we did 4 that year) and then we rolled into the new year. I was able to finally, after many years, get my "Purple Rain" birthday cake courtesy of Cakes by Sam. It rocked! Several holidays later, including Easter, Cinco de Mayo at my house, and my first Mother's Day with Ira led into Haley's high school graduation. All wonderful days celebrated with my loved ones - as someone just said "the people that matters most". :)

So, this weekend is Haley's graduation party. I hope she likes the decoration and also the surprise for her from me (homemade). Then, next Saturday is Ira's first birthday at The Wonder Place. Dr. Seuss themed cake should be outstanding!! I know he won't understand it all now, but I've learned from Haley that kids are very interested later in life about their "firsts".....

So, as Jeremy and I celebrate our 9th year together as Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy C. Lasiter (or Major Lasiter and his wife...or Haley's parents....or Ira's mom...etc. - I seem to have many identities), I celebrate ALL of this year. The bad, good and ugly. Because through it all, I have been taught. I have learned things about myself, my children, my husband, my family and life. And I think we should never, ever stop learning.

Thank you to my family - and you know who you are - DNA doesn't make you family - love and support makes you family and I have the best.


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