So nice to be back home - I headed, after a very difficult return trip, straight to Ira's boxes of things. How odd is that?
While I was away, his Dr. Seuss bedding came in along with 2 diapers, 40 hangers, a box of baby wipes (Seventh Generation) and some body wash/shampoo for the little guy. I think that makes 19 and I think I have #20 ordered - need to assess :)
The roof is nice so we will be doing a new photo for the profile on American Adoptions website. Phyllis is going to come over and bring some Spring-like items to spruce up the photo. The carpet is being installed on Friday but the painter cannot come for a couple of weeks so we are doing this a bit backwards - it will be fine. {I keep telling myself that...}
It was so funny on Saturday that as soon as we got off the boat in Sausilito, we saw an art gallery that was featuring Dr. Seuss artwork....I would love to have one of THOSE pieces for the room - but I refrain!!! I'm sure in no time he and his daddy will have baseballs, basketballs or something similar in here...:) If Haley has input, she will add the football too!
We ARE moving forward ------------as Easter approaches this weekend, I know next Easter will involve Ira, hiding Easter eggs, Easter Sunday suit, etc. I cannot wait!!
On the pills and pumping, still doing it religiously (almost) and waiting to see that first drop. As much as I hate taking these hormones and others, I know it will be worth it in the end...I believe~
Blessed day today~ Ira, we love you and continue to pray for you every, single day. You are in our hearts, minds and thoughts every day - your family loves you -