Saturday, December 25, 2010

First Christmas with Ira!
Our little 6 month old ~ we finalized the adoption on December 7th in Texas; his birth certificate came in this week of Christmas - amazing.
Thank you, God, for continuing to bless this family. We have two wonderful children and have the love of family and friends.

Merry, merry Christmas~ 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ira's first trip to the beach

Ira's first trip to the beach!

How we got everything, plus us, in the car - I have no idea...but we did. :)

We had a great Labor Day week in Navarre Beach, Florida. Ira loved, loved, loved the water - even at 3 months old I think he will be a swimmer!

Can't wait until next summer!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Where did the summer go? Oh, that's right~ we have a baby!!! :)
It is SO incredible to think that after all these years of talking about Ira, praying for Ira, shopping for Ira, planning for Ira......he is here! God is amazing beyond words. HE aligned all the pieces to work out perfectly.

I have been fortunate to be off work most of the summer. I've worked one day a week until today - my first day of being back full time. Very mixed emotions today.....

My princess, however, ended last week with a bang :( She fell down some stairs at school and broke her leg! I was in California when it happened but took her to the ER as soon as I returned on Saturday. {School, non-medical professionals told her they thought it was sprained so.....well, so much for always listening to adults..ha!} Bless her heart - starting her senior year with this. BUT, we have gotten to spend a lot of time together that I cherish. That's the bright side of a gloomy situation. I love my little girl...even if she is about to turn 18!

Fatherhood has brought out all the fantastic qualities in Jeremy. He is adorable to watch with Ira. Oh, I've waited so long for this!!

We are blessed with the most wonderful set of family and friends. Ira and Haley both are fortunate to have a true village :)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

June 11th, our son was born. Ira Christopher Lasiter, weighing 7.18 pounds and 20 1/2 inches long and coming from Kenya blessed our world! He is amazing, awesome, beautiful, handsome AND totally a God thing - this entire THING has been a God thing...

We got the call around 8:30am Sunday morning, the 13th. The birth mother had selected us post-birth. We, of course, said YES. The adoption agency social worker (not our regular social worker so she didn't know "us") said "not sure if this is an issue but he is from Kenya"....that was the moment my head bowed deep into my shirt and the tears started flowing. My love of Africa, my love of the people from Kenya and add in this entire process and desire for a newborn.........AN ISSUE??? This IS a God thing -

The social worker said she would call us after 2pm when the birth mother was checking out of the hospital and would be signing papers revoking parental rights. She said we could then leave and travel to Texas where he was born. HA! We were on the road much sooner than that. :) Constant faith............

My emotions flow so heavy about the birth mother. All I can say is I truly wish we had more young women in the world like her. We met with her, prayed with her and she will always have a place in my heart.

We met Ira, love at first sight, my husband melted into a puddle on the floor - he is so smitten with him. Well, we both are :)

After a week and a half in Texas we were able to return home - with our son. He is just lovely.

And he needs me right more to come later -


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dear precious, baby Ira~
Your mommy, papa and sister love you so much already. We haven't met you, we don't know how much you weigh or what color your eyes are, but we love you. We haven't touched your toes and fingers or squeezed your cheeks or just gazed into your beautiful face, but we love you. We love you now as you are alive in our hearts. You are as much a part of my daily life as you could be without getting your diaper changed :) mommy joke, honey.

We know that God is preparing you in the womb somewhere just for us and we thank God daily for that. We have faith in you, Ira.

Mommy and Papa reserved a condo on a beach this summer before your sister goes back to school. It will be your first beach trip of many that you will have in your beautiful life.

Your aunt Gili is painting some things for your room right now so it should be finally finished any day; we just have to hang 3 things and then we are done.

Our bags are packed in the corner of my bedroom to come get you. It will only take moments to load the car and head out so please know we will not waste any time in coming to you to hold you, hug you, snuggle with you, smooch on you and spend hours just gazing into your eyes.

You already are a member of a wonderful family - we just haven't met you yet~

Until we do, we love you~

Mommy, Papa and Sister

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Today's teaching

Student's Pastor, Jason Curry, talked to me today. Well, he talked to hundreds today as he led the services at Church at Rock Creek, but he really talked to me. The title of his two part series is "Storms". I thought "oh, this will be good; sitting here with my daughter; oh, she needs to hear this". ROFL at myself!!! Turns out, I needed to hear it as much or more than she did.

Boiling it down to a few sentences (go to the church website for a fantastic audio of the lesson), it was based on Proverbs 3:5-6. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight". Whew!!! I'm guilty of leaning on what I think is fair and right and what I understand regarding the path of this adoption....mainly the timeline. What seems reasonable to me is not always right. I need to remember to trust in HIM and HIS TIMELINE. He knows exactly where Ira is and the timing; please pray for me to help turn this over to HIM and not try to micromanage this.....this is one time my Excel spreadsheet is NOT needed.....God's spreadsheet is WAY more awesome!!!

I need to come up with some template answer for when people ask me "have you heard anything?" Something to the effect of "God's got it all under control..."If you think of something cute to respond with, please let me know :)

God is preparing OUR son for us; some beautiful girl who has been struggling with a situation is going to find an answer that meets her needs and God will connect us; it will happen. I've been spending too much time schmoozing with the Adoption Agency and attorney; need to spend a little more time palling around with my FATHER :)

Great teaching, Jason Curry - even to a 40 year old!!! :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

To be honest, I thought Ira would be here by now. I know, I know....these things are not in my control, but in God's hands. I should not doubt HIS timing. I don't doubt it, I just don't like it. I know - shame on me. I just thought this Mother's Day would be different than how it will be. I thought my whole family would go to church together - including Ira. I thought this weekend we would have him dedicated and then have a family lunch - all cooing and awwing over him. I thought "this weekend" will be the time that an amazing attachment between Haley and her new brother occurs and that will be the greatest gift of all. I had all this played out in my head. Again, shame on me.

Instead, I spent last evening waiting her Haley to come home by going through my two virtual Wish Lists (Amazon and Babies R Us taking off some items I've already bought. I cut Jeremy's hair, sent him to work for a while and then off to a funeral and am about to leave to take Haley to the hair salon and lunch. Thank God for Phyllis who is always happy to listen and encouraging beyond belief.

I'm so glad his nursery is complete. I can now go in there, sit and think about Ira, pray for his arrival and not get hounded by anyone for having a 1 track mind.

Ira, you may not be here this weekend for Mother's Day. You may not be in your home, with your parents or at your church being dedicated. But never think you are not here with me. You are in my heart - beating so loud I can hear you. You are in my every thought. I love you and will keep praying.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Diapers 28, 29 and 30!! Plus first "Charlie's Soap"

Mother's Day Weekend and the arrival of diapers 28, 29 and 30!
I'm within 6 of my goal - WOW!
Also got in our first of the Charlie's Soap which is declared to be the best to launder cloth diapers :)
If only a baby boy were here to try these diapers on ........:)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ira's Nursery

With the leadership of Phyllis and entertainment by Claire, the nursery is in good shape! We still need to buy a glider/rocker for the corner and maybe hang one more thing on the wall, but it is shaping up. I am so glad we decided on the Dr. Seuss theme. I haven't seen this done so it is pretty unique. I love the colors and I am cheered up by just going in the room.
Okay, Ira, NOW we are can come now. :)
Love, Mom

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mirasa Design

Ira's two new wristbands from Mirasa Design came in yesterday! Mirasa Design is founded by Aashumi Shah and started in 2009. Even though hers was a start up company, she contacted Room to Read and asked to commit to donating a percentage of sales toward Room to Read's mission. I met Aashumi through the contract review, fell in love with her products, and was her first purchase under the Room to Read contract for my niece, Magnolia.
Mirasa means "heritage". Aashumi began Mirasa after making some toys for her niece's 1st birthday that were soft, would stimulate her sense of imagination and play and also came with a cloth bag that her niece could carry around with her.
I love the concept and Aashumi is a beautiful soul. She has been so supportive of the story of "Ira" and is my long distant pen pal :).
So, we added the wristbands to the floor pillow for his room. The giraffe is in the hospital baby bag, packed ready to go whenever a call comes. I hope his room is filled with all the Fun Toys before too much longer - To check out my favorite artist, go to
Love to all,

Monday, April 26, 2010

What a weekend! Ira's room is painted (so beautiful) and is his armoire, dresser drawers and crib/changing table is in the room. So, so sweet. Waiting on Phyllis..well, trying come over to decorate.

Laundered all his newborn clothes and diapers, packed a baby bag and suitcase and put in the corner of my room with his car seat. Ready to go!! Just waiting on "the call". In the interim, it is time to get everything else in order~

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Awwww - Diaper 27 arrived today and Ira's room is being painted :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ira's swing just arrived! I can't wait for the painter to finish tomorrow on the room and start getting everything in there and situated. :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Our princess already left for the ball ("Prom") - She looks stunning~
We traveled to El Dorado, found the salon and she had her hair styled and makeup applied. We caught lunch with her date at a local Asian restaurant and then checked into our hotel so she could relax before the evening festivities.
We took these photos at the hotel. I look forward to seeing the photos from the country club.
She had a really fun evening!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

We went to the opening game for the Arkansas Travs tonight with Haley and her friend Ethan. It was fun - dodging balls and trying to get mustard...LOL
We did find Kit and Ronnie (rather they found us) and we were able to all catch up which was awesome!

Ira, next season, it's you and me kid!!! :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Just found the photos I had taken of us the night of our Home Study with our social worker, Jaclyn. :)
:) Diaper 26 arrived today~
Slow time in the process - pretty depressing, actually. I've never been good at waiting.

In the interim, the painter starts tomorrow (Thursday) with Haley's room, then Ira's, then things I'm having painted for his room (Thank you, Phyllis, for your great ideas on this!) and then the bathroom. It may spread out over a few weeks as he is fitting me into previous engagements but am SO ready for Haley to be able to move all of her furniture from the dining room back into her room.

Once the painting is completed, we can start setting up his room. That will be exciting!

Prom is Friday night for Haley in Parker's Chapel so we leave out early Friday morning. 3 hour drive, hair, makeup, nails, photos, etc. I'll come back on Saturday. Her dress is just stunning -no other word for it.

love to all, Angela

Friday, April 9, 2010

My first eBay victory! An "iGlide Cradle-n-Swing"; Jeremy picked it out a couple of months ago at Babies R US in Little Rock; it is so adorable and will go well with the colors in his room or any room. I remember with Haley it was about the only time I sat her down and served as an awesome "shower-sitter" for that necessary daily bath time...:)
Anyway, caught a great deal on one new/in the box with zero shipping - Lucky me!!

Big Brothers/Big Sisters just picked up a LOAD of clothes, computer, stereo, etc. from us; I finally did some purging as I was unloading the dining room back to the closets from the new flooring. Would like to have done a bit more in Haley but she is turning into quite the pack-rat....

One week until Haley goes to prom; will go tomorrow and find "the" perfect shoes; still looking for "the" perfect hairstyle. She will be the most beautiful girl in the room - no doubt.

love to all,

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Person's A Person No Matter How Small ~ Dr. Seuss

Ira's wall posting came in today ("wall candy"), some onesies and diapers 24 and 25!!! :) I'm currently bidding on two things on eBay so let's see if I come back with a "success story" - LOL

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010 - welcomed our Senior Pastor back today after a sabbatical; his teaching was superb! Had a nice lunch with Jeremy's grandparents and siblings and enjoyed the evening with Haley.

The house is getting quieter and I'm thinking about this time, next year. I pray - and believe- that our home will be filled with the laughter and joy of Ira Benjamin Lasiter. We will be making his first Easter basket, dress him up in a beautiful Easter suit only fitting a child of mine, take him to Rock Creek Church for a fantastic teaching by either Mark Evans or Greg Kirksey, have lunch with family and friends and not forget to thank God for all the blessings he has given to this family. We are truly, truly blessed.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

What a week! Packed to move 1/2 the house to the other side of the house so new carpet could be put down in all the bedrooms and closets - whew! but I like the carpet :)
My office is now where the breakfast table was that we never used - Ira's nursey is ready to be painted now. I'd like for the painter to come before I move anything back in the rooms much so I don't have to do this again. We have entirely too many things - must simplify!

Ira's 20, 21 and 22nd diapers came in today with an amber necklace for him that has analgesic powers (minimal teething pain for our baby boy!)

I keep praying there is the right birth parent out there looking at our profile and knowing we would give a child a fantastic home~

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

So nice to be back home - I headed, after a very difficult return trip, straight to Ira's boxes of things. How odd is that?

While I was away, his Dr. Seuss bedding came in along with 2 diapers, 40 hangers, a box of baby wipes (Seventh Generation) and some body wash/shampoo for the little guy. I think that makes 19 and I think I have #20 ordered - need to assess :)

The roof is nice so we will be doing a new photo for the profile on American Adoptions website. Phyllis is going to come over and bring some Spring-like items to spruce up the photo. The carpet is being installed on Friday but the painter cannot come for a couple of weeks so we are doing this a bit backwards - it will be fine. {I keep telling myself that...}

It was so funny on Saturday that as soon as we got off the boat in Sausilito, we saw an art gallery that was featuring Dr. Seuss artwork....I would love to have one of THOSE pieces for the room - but I refrain!!! I'm sure in no time he and his daddy will have baseballs, basketballs or something similar in here...:) If Haley has input, she will add the football too!

We ARE moving forward ------------as Easter approaches this weekend, I know next Easter will involve Ira, hiding Easter eggs, Easter Sunday suit, etc. I cannot wait!!

On the pills and pumping, still doing it religiously (almost) and waiting to see that first drop. As much as I hate taking these hormones and others, I know it will be worth it in the end...I believe~

Blessed day today~ Ira, we love you and continue to pray for you every, single day. You are in our hearts, minds and thoughts every day - your family loves you -


Friday, March 26, 2010

In San Francisco! Ending my quarterly visit to Room to Read's Global Office, brought Haley for her Spring Break and Jeremy joined us yesterday for him a long weekend. Haley and I spent Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights on a fashion shopping frenzy~;)
Her goal was a Prom dress and ended up with several new outfits, new Coach bag and a beautiful Jessica McClintock gown and jewelry. She is going to be stunning on Prom Night!
Jeremy and her spent the day today at Fisherman's Wharf and we are planning on taking a beautiful ride tomorrow on a ferry to Sausilito. The weather has been gorgeous and all the staff were wonderful to Haley.

We received great news on Monday after we landed in San Francisco - WE ARE LIVE ON AMERICAN ADOPTION'S WEBSITE! So that means that potential birth parents out there looking to make the ultimate sacrifice for a child can now see us!! It is so exciting.

I, of course, had to celebrate this news with buying Ira a few outfits from San Francisco. :)

OH, and to make things a little better than this (can it get better?), we found out we will return home to a new roof!! It was supposed to be put on the 2nd week of April, but because of some scheduling problems on their end, the roofer got us moved up a few weeks - Woo Hoo!!

With all this fantastic news, why have I been a little down today? I couldn't really figure it out...thought maybe I was just tired or needed some alone time...but it hit me on the way back from the office walking to the hotel. I miss seeing Ira's car seat, and his diapers, and his boxes of clothes and seeing the Amazon boxes coming in knowing that his nursery bedding was delivered this week....I miss Ira....I miss him...I miss our connection that we have at this point until the day we meet. I'll get to see it all on Sunday night when we return - crazy, huh?

But I have SO enjoyed hanging out with my princess. These are the times of our lives ~

Friday, March 19, 2010

Just overnight sent some contracts to agency and am waiting for us to go "live" on the agency's website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

DIAPER SPRAYER IS HERE! So is Diaper *17, his changing table pad and a gorgeous hoodie!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ordered new flooring!! This will complete the entire downstairs - Woo Hoo!!
Should happen in the next couple of weeks; in the interim, MUST have painter do some magic in Ira's room, Haley's room and their bathroom. :)

Sling from Dr. Sears' website ordered this weekend - cannot WAIT to see that.

Beautiful newborn outfits from Dillard's purchased over the weekend...just waiting for a little baby to go in them. I love him SO much already.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Diaper 16 (blue) arrived today - did an inventory last night and I have enough blue diapers!! LOL - diaper 17 (white) is on order :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Diapers 14 and 15 arrived today (on Mom's birthday!).

We had our APQ interview today. No big surprises; I don't like the wait time averages - praying for strength.

Our profile and Home Study is complete!! Here we come, Wait List!!! Hope we don't have a long relationship...tee hee

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Picked up Ira's changing table and ordered his cushion tonight. Woo Hoo!!
Also ordered his BumGenius Diaper Sprayer!!

Tomorrow is our APQ Interview - so sweet it is on my Mama's birthday!

Phyllis and I started brainstorming earlier about a baby shower/sip-n-see where everyone can meet him....Wow - I can hardly wait to meet him! I wish my eyes were the first things he sees. :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

today was a good day! It was:
Magnolia's first birthday - YAY!
My baby bag came in today - love it!
And we received confirmation that the Home Study had been notarized and mailed off to Kansas!! We have our APQ Interview in two days....:)

Going with Phyllis to pick up the changing table and must decide between Duck Duck Goose or Rhea Lana's this weekend....I have a feeling Rhea Lana's will win out! :)

Please say a prayer for me and my "pumping" - :)

love to all~

Friday, March 5, 2010

Phyllis, Tim, Claire and I picked up Ira's crib tonight and brought it home - it's so pretty. It's a white sleigh crib - it will go fantastic with the Dr. Seuss bedding and room decor!
Thank you, Phyllis and Tim, for helping me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
March 4, 2010 - started pumping to trick my body into thinking I am pregnant. Let's see how long this takes. Clock starts........NOW!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Another update for today!

Got an email from American Adoptions; they are now setting up our 45-90 minute joint interview to go through our APQ (Adoptive Parent Questionnaire) that we submitted. Yay! One more thing knocked off my spreadsheet!!

So ironic that while I was on the phone with Tina Chavez today, the breast pump and new parts arrived! :) Woo Hoo!
Also, diapers 11, 12 and 13 came in too!
Slowly getting there -

Monday, March 1, 2010

Domperidone - Day 1!!!!
Prenatal Vitamins - Day 2
Hormones - I've already lost track...LOL

Baby bag bought in the wee hours of the morning!! :)

Love to all~

Saturday, February 27, 2010

What a day~ Phyllis was SO KIND to go with me to Little Rock's Rhea Lana big sale; racks of clothes everywhere with tables of anything you need *just about* for a baby. I think we scored big on a monitor and a ton of awesome newborn clothes. I've never really bought him anything for a newborn as I didn't think, before our Home Study, that we would ever be able to get him so soon. But our awesome social worker said to PLAN ON I am! We bought so many adorable little 0-3 month clothes, a pair of sandals just like his Daddy's, and some tennis shoes (pre-walking so just for looks - LOL).

Phyllis then bought him his first "John-John" outfit (she had to tell me the story of how it got its name - after JFK, Jr. during his little toddler years) and had his name embroidered on it. It is SO adorable and his first monogrammed outfit. :) Thank you, Phyllis!!

Changing subjects: that medicine I was told I would have to get in Canada??? Uh, no - the local compounding pharmacist made it for me on Friday and Jeremy is picking it up on Monday. :) Only downfall is insurance doesn't pay for it - but those are the breaks and it is worth every penny if it works!

I really, really have to get started on flooring and paint samples - :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 1 On My Journey to be able to Nurse Ira

After months of research, advice from international specialists and LLL leaders AND 3 rescheduled doctor visits, TODAY I just took the first pill prescribed moments ago by my doctor that will HOPEFULLY make it possible for me to nurse Ira.
For most women, including me when I had Haley 17 years ago, this is just a choice. And, 17 years ago, it was important for me to do. But when you adopt, that adds on a new layer of difficulty that needs creative measures to make the milk appear. THEN, add on the lack of any hormones present in the body due to surgery after Haley's birth. My doctor actually pauses after I ask her for this.......I don't think I took a breath until she started talking.....she agreed to my proposal (supported by the file I brought in with me from studies done by Dr. Jack Newman and others) of me taking Oestrogen and Progesterone (basically, birth control pills) and Domperidone (if I can get it - she thinks I may have to get it from Canada) and wrote the RX's. I told her that I would start pumping in about a month and see how it goes. She has never had such a situation quite like mine but has used this method to help an adoptive couple nurse who had ovaries, uterus, etc...(i.e. made hormones) and this new mom was successful! My doctor gave me some warnings and then said "I want to know if you are able to do this; follow up with me and let me know." :)
So, I just popped my first pill. Please keep me in your prayers as this is an important part of the adoption process for me (the ability to nurse Ira Benjamin).
Fun stuff~

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Our amazing social worker sent the draft Home Study to us yesterday to proof and make sure all the facts she wrote down were correct. I saw on the bottom of the last page where she has already "approved" us! :) Woo Hoo!!

Diapers 11, 12, 13 and 14 are on their way in the mail. We are slowly, but surely, getting there~

I think it is time to pick out a carpet color for the back 3 rooms and pick paint samples........YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ira and Haley both are getting new painted walls.

Someone, pinch me~ this is happening. I love my life.

Monday, February 22, 2010

So, Jeremy and I hit BabiesRUs on Saturday. I think this is the first shopping for Ira we have done together. It was awesome. Jeremy picked out Ira Benjamin's bathtub {yes, if I have forgotten to mention, Jeremy decided on a middle name when I was in Sri Lanka - I LOVE IT!}.
When I was in the Dubai airport, I picked up him this "Touch and Count" book - Peter Rabbit. so sweet. Finally, last night I had to open up his carseat box that has been sitting in my office since the first week of January SO I could start matching up a stroller. It hit me like a ton of bricks that our little man will be sitting in this car seat soon~ {I pulled out my Sleepy Wrap the other day and just held it...can't wait to REALLY put him in there..:) }

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Second night in a row I am fully awake at 4am - is it Mother Nature getting me ready to be a mother to a baby again? :)

10th diaper is here! Something monumental about that!! 11th and 12th diapers are ordered and on their way. Ira's "taggie" came in on Friday. I slept with it tonight. Strangest thing: when I came in from Sri Lanka, while everyone was asleep, I came into his room and pulled his things out of his tubs and went through them all. I guess I had really missed seeing them and being around them.

While we are waiting to be approved for the Home Study, I think I am going to focus on a baby and useful! Any points, anyone?

Sweet dreams~

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Am in Sri Lanka but thinking about how much I miss my family. It is crazy!!!

Before I left, was able to pick up the family photos we had made for the APQ. Jeremy emailed to say he has mailed the package to the Adoption Agency in Kansas City. Yay!!!
We had our 2nd (and last?) Home Study appointment right before I flew out with our social worker, Jaclyn. She is fantastic!!

Ira, I bought you a Peter Rabbit book in the Dubai airport; I can't wait to read it to you.
Haley, of course I couldn't resist getting you some MAC makeup!! I know you will love that~

In an internet cafe so will sign off; just wanted to let my family know I love and miss them~


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Worked Sunday with the fabulous Cherie Flowers Photography for some family photos of all 3 of us; need 2 for the adoption papers and then just need some for us!! There was still so much ice; we slid around the State Capitol but she thinks we got some good ones. I can't wait to see them and mail them off to American Adoptions.

Moved all of Ira's things to a tub, watched it overflow so went to tub #2! (not including the car seat!) I cannot wait to meet him, hold him, love on him and also watch Jeremy and Haley with him.

Thinking about blue/brown/light green for nursery....and as much as I love the round cribs, I think I will be going with a regular sleigh convertible crib for when he outgrows the co-sleeper..just makes more sense and will be easier to find sheets and other bedding.

He is SO alive in my heart - I can feel him

Friday, January 29, 2010

Picked up a new outfit for Ira in Denver at Janie and Jack's; when we flew home, 3 new diapers I ordered we were waiting on our doorstep! I think we now have 7 - :) Worked on the APQ last night; tough questions to answer but we made it through it. I can hardly wait for him to arrive so we can all start this new chapter of our lives together.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We have our first of two Home Studies today with a wonderful social worker, Jaclyn. It was a thorough process but very exciting and I'm even MORE jazzed {how can that be?}
Please God, start putting the pieces together for Ira to join our family as soon as possible.
I am SO ready~

Monday, January 18, 2010

Car seat arrived - now we just have to get that precious angel home so we can put him in there and show him off to all our family and friends!

FBI background checks were received in West Virginia on the 15th; {I love the USPS tracking!}

Have enjoyed the last week with Haley so much - for whatever reason, she has been sitting/watching tv with me and I LOVE IT! There have been actual breaks in text messaging and Facebook'n to hang out with ol' mom...:)

I love my family -

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fingerprints are on the way to the FBI for processing; Criminal Background Checks has been sent to the agency; I've collected the 50 digital photos of us to send and am now working on the text for the "advertisement". In the meantime, I received our 2nd cloth diaper today from Amazon. Now we have TWO - but it is a start!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

A little overwhelmed today with all the paperwork that came in over the weekend; I need a few weeks off to get all this done -
Mailed off today "Authorization for Child Maltreatment Search at Central Registry" and proof of our zero hits for the Sex Offender Registry for all 3 of us. Trying to get over to State Trooper Headquarters today to be fingerprinted for the FBI search so we can get this processing; once all of this piece is "out there processing", I can start pulling together 50 photos of us, telling our story, and start writing a letter to the birth mother..........God, please give me the right words to write in her letter~

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Scheduling a family photo with the fantastic Cherie Flowers for our adoption paperwork; we actually collect many photos that tell a story of our lives (Jeremy, Haley and mine) up to this point. It's exciting!

Also, we got all of our papers notarized (thank you, Lisa G.) so now just a trip to State Trooper Headquarters for that part of our "to do" list. :)

Claire, our God-daughter, spent the night with us last night. The two of us went to the movies, scanned a ton of presents she wants next week for her birthday, got Corky's bbq and then watched GI Joe. She picked out a beautiful and very soft blanket for Ira (light green and brown) and loved going through the boxes of clothes, blankets and books I've already bought for Ira over the last 7 years. It was a great night! She's in the living room, cheering on Lyla to jump up on the couch and snuggle with her!! :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Today, January 7th, has been great! I had a wonderful conversation with our new social worker, we set up the date for our first Home Study appointment and now....Ira's first cloth diaper arrived in the mail. :)
SCREAM!!! :)
We have our first Home Study appointment on January 26th at 4:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's happening!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Filling out every FBI Background check, child abuse background check, etc. than I thought possible! Because Haley is over 16, SHE even has to get fingerprinted...:)
Oh, it will so be worth it

Monday, January 4, 2010

Received Home Study packet in the mail today!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year to all of our friends and family~
2010 is going to be so exciting!

Love to all,

Jeremy, Angela, and Haley